There is nothing more precious

There is nothing more precious, beautiful, or rewarding than an obedient heart. I've been a Christian for the vast majority of my life. I was born into a Christian family, went to church most Sundays growing up, and accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 8 years old. But my walk with Christ hasn't always been on the paved yellow brick road. I've veered to the bumpy shoulder, crossed back across the smooth paved road just to flip across the bar ditch and land upside down in a seemingly empty field where all lost hopes and dreams can be found next to a mess of heartache and sin. It has been said before, and I will gladly say it again, being a Christian isn't easy, it isn't all sunshine and roses. My days get dark and dim just like everyone else's, but one of my favorite qualities of Christ is His unrelenting, reckless love . He never fails to show up and pull us from the wreckage, even when we have lost all hope, even when it seems like we'll never make it...