Cinderella Never Asked for a Prince

I love this quote, and I think it has a lot to do with the way God works in our lives. Now I'm sure you're wondering where in the world I'm going with this, but just hear me out...
I don't know about you, but when I pray and ask God for something in my life, I tend to assume He will just snap his fingers, wave His hand, blink twice, or do some Heavenly hand sign combination to grant me the quality I have been asking for, like wisdom, confidence, trust, or whatever it may be. Because you know, God could do that if He wanted to. But the Lord granted us with free will, free will to do whatever we want, and him all the while hoping we will follow him.
A week ago I was feeding my friend's horse for him, his horse was at another one of my friend's house. I took my dogs with me because I knew there was plenty of room for them to run around and play; as my dogs were playing I took a seat on the back porch and just took in the beautiful day that was in front of me. The sky was a beautiful blue with cotton candy clouds and the grass was a bright green no one has seen in West Texas for quite some time now. I couldn't help but feel surrounded by the presence of the Lord. So as I was sitting there I had a talk with the Man in charge. I asked him to help me truly trust him in every aspect of my life, whether it be relationships, friendships, school, work, or my future. Just whatever it may be, for me to truly trust him, to lay everything at his feet and leave it there. That is something I will admit without hesitation, I struggle with "giving" things to the Lord just to turn around and try to pick them back up again by myself. I'm the type of person that wants to make sure I am doing everything I can to make sure my life stays in order. When in all reality, sometimes the best thing to do, is nothing. Sometimes there is nothing to do but give God your situation and trust that he has it all under control.
The next few hours after that beautiful morning would be just the start of an insane, scary, and stressful week. I was beyond overwhelmed, feeling helpless and afraid. Then I got to thinking, this is God, this is all God. I asked God to help me trust him, so instead of him doing some cool heavenly hand signal or snapping his fingers like I was hoping for, he gave me a situation (a couple actually) in which to trust him. A situation to have true faith, and believe He was in control and that contrary to my humanly belief, my life wasn't ending, it was simply just a bump in the road. A bump that happened to present an opportunity to put what I had prayed for, into practice. And guess what, a week later I am still here to talk about it, I SURVIVED! And you know what, despite the tears that may or may not have fallen, I am better than I was. It really is amazing what happens when you truly give every aspect to the Lord. Talk about a huge weight being lifted off your shoulders!
So next time you are just waiting for the Lord to snap his fingers or clap his hands and send down exactly what you've asked for, you may want to look around a reevaluate. Take a couple minutes, a couple deep breaths, and use your current situation to take a leap of faith and believe that the Lord has your life in his hands. Pray for a night off and a dress and even if you lose your glass slipper, you might just find your prince charming!
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