I've fallen in love

I've Fallen in Love...

I've fallen in love with the sound of rain on a tin roof.
I've fallen in love with the way flames dance across fresh cut wood.
I've fallen in love with the silent beauty of a sunrise and the soothing sight of a sunset.
I've fallen in love with wildflowers pushing through the fresh green grass in the middle of spring. 
I've fallen in love with the sight of a newborn calf trying out its wobbly legs for the first time. 
I've fallen in love with watching fields of wheat blow in the wind.
I've fallen in love with the smell of the branding pen and Mom's peach pie.
I've fallen in love with the sound of a tried and true cow pony's heavy breathing after a long hard pull up the steep hillside.
I've fallen in love with the sight and sound of laughter shared among friends on a Saturday night.
I've fallen in love with the feeling of a tight embrace after being reunited with family and friends.
I've fallen in love with the calluses on hard working hands and the sound of two meeting for a firm shake.
I've fallen in love with oak trees and tumble weeds.
I've fallen in love with loyal dogs and even the sound of their good morning howls.
I've fallen in love with the reassurance and support that comes with a true friendship.
I've fallen in love with sore cheeks and aching stomachs caused by too many cheesy jokes and glasses of wine. 
I've fallen in love with the sound of a jake brake on an old Dodge truck followed by jingling spurs that led up to my dad walking in the door.
I've fallen in love with the carefree feeling of being spun and dipped on an old dance floor. 
I've fallen in love with the honesty that comes of late nights and early mornings. 
I've fallen in love with the hum of tires on the blacktop chasing white lines. 
I've fallen in love with the satisfaction that follows a hard day's work.
I've fallen in love with the sound of brewing coffee.
I've fallen in love with the mountains and beach air alike.
I've fallen in love with the warmth of a wild rag on a cold winter day.
I've fallen in love with the taste of adventure that lies across state lines.
I've fallen in love with a perfect man that died on a cross for me.
I've fallen in love with this life He has given me.
Have you?
