
Showing posts from 2017

I've fallen in love

I've Fallen in Love... I've fallen in love with the sound of rain on a tin roof. I've fallen in love with the way flames dance across fresh cut wood. I've fallen in love with the silent beauty of a sunrise and the soothing sight of a sunset. I've fallen in love with wildflowers pushing through the fresh green grass in the middle of spring.  I've fallen in love with the sight of a newborn calf trying out its wobbly legs for the first time.  I've fallen in love with watching fields of wheat blow in the wind. I've fallen in love with the smell of the branding pen and Mom's peach pie. I've fallen in love with the sound of a tried and true cow pony's heavy breathing after a long hard pull up the steep hillside. I've fallen in love with the sight and sound of laughter shared among friends on a Saturday night. I've fallen in love with the feeling of a tight embrace after being reunited with family and friends. I...

Dear New College Grad

Dear new college graduate,  First of all, CONGRATULATIONS! You should be so incredibly proud of yourself. You just survived the last four-ish years of late nights, early mornings, and everything on either side and in between. You made it through all those horrible exams, 8am classes that took attendance and even the hangovers you were sure were going to end you. You most likely experienced some heartbreak, caused by an almost lover or maybe a loss of a friendship you were sure would never end. You figured out what it is like to live on Easy-Mac and gas station burritos. You probably figured out that Folgers is a heck of a lot cheaper than Starbucks, and knew the various happy hour specials across town by heart. You are most likely more than ready to get the heck out of your college town and "really start living life" right? Well let me tell ya, this adulthood thing, is a lot harder than you think. And you are going to miss college. A lot. Real life is hard. It's rew...


A year ago today I was three short weeks away from graduating college and embarking on this crazy journey known as adulthood. I was damned and determined to stay in the Midwest; I was convinced that, that was where I was suppose to be, that's where I was going to be most successful, that's where I was going to be happy. Well as many of you know, or for those of you who don't, that's not quite how things worked out.  I did stay in the Midwest for a short few months after graduation (Wreck 'em Tech!) but it turned out to be shy of what I had planned for it to be. Things just didn't work out how I thought they should and frankly I wasn't happy, I was struggling in so many ways. I was struggling with acceptance . I couldn't bring myself to accept the fact that my plan was failing...big time. Through those few months of struggle I had to swallow my pride and begin to accept that God's plan for me didn't align with that plan I had made for me....

I just don't understand, but it's fine.

To the boy I once loved, So I found myself thinking about you today. There are a million things I want to say to you, a thousand questions I still have that you left unanswered.  There's a part of me that yearns to know how you're doing without me considering you used to tell me you could never stand to lose me. Part of me wants to know how your sisters and parents are, if your brother is doing alright and if things with your buddy that moved in with you are working out as planned. Part of me wants to ask about your dogs and if that little mare of yours ever turned out like you had hoped. Part of me wants to know if you're still working your ass off at that job you despise because although I have come to question a lot of things about you, your work ethic will never be one of them. But then there's this other part of me; this other part that can't stand you, that doesn't want to know all the answers to the questions I just listed above, because that wou...

Another Notch in the Bible Belt

"In the flood or the fire, You're with me & You won't let go. " -Tenth Avenue North This past week disaster and devastation was witnessed throughout the Midwest. Fires swept across Southwest Kansas, Oklahoma, Colorado, and the panhandle of Texas. Millions of acres, countless miles of fence, numerous homes, thousands of head of livestock, and precious lives were lost to the flames and billows of smoke. Rivers of tears have been shed, ashes have been blown across the now barren plains, calves have been orphaned, precious loved ones have been sent home to the Lord and hearts have been broken. But despite the sorrow and despair, hope is alive and well right alongside nothing less than the grace of God.  Ashland, KS -- Fall 2015  People near and far have without a second thought poured out their hearts and jumped at the opportunity to lend a helping hand to anyone in need. Donations of hay, fencing supplies, water, food, shelter, medication, among va...

You Can Never Have Too Much Happy

In case anyone was wondering, it is in fact possible to be both sassy and sweet.  So I'm just going to come right out and say it: I'm horrible at taking my own advice. I've had friends, family, and even somewhat strangers tell me I'm "wise beyond my years", I have "so much maturity" about me, I "give the best advice". Now I don't, have never, and will never (just for the record) claim to know it all. But I do think I am usually pretty good at being able to look at a situation from the outside in and if asked, give my opinion and/or solid advice on the situation just based on what I observe. Sometimes it takes a different perspective on a situation to make the best decision. Watching my best friends fall in love with the person God has set aside for them has always made my heart so happy. But I also know what they went through to get where they are now. I  have wiped tears, composed texts, rehearsed phone calls and encouraged ...

Remains Faithful

Hello.  It's Me.  I'm in California dreamin'....  Okay sorry, I had to. Anyone who has ever been in a car with me knows I'm allllmmoooossstttt as great of a singer as Adele, but not quite, so I'll stop pretending that I am, now. But really, hey there friends, it has been about a year and a half since I have written anything on here *GASP* !!! Unacceptable, I know. And for that I apologize. I got this random urge to jump back on my blog and maybe jot down a few words and that's when I realized how long it has been since I have shared any of my crazy cow stories or far from 'normal' life experiences with you. So brief update: although I did "Trade Oak Trees for Tumbleweeds" *as my blog is titled* {which I need a new name, so in the comments leave suggestions if ya want! :)} for four years, I then traded those tumbleweeds for big Nebraskan bluffs, to then trade those back for my beloved oak trees. And quite frankly, if you would have t...